
I finally got my website to point where I actually enjoy it. For months now I have been switching things around, moving photos, different colors, and now I finally have it the way I want, with a few exceptions. I would love every one of your opinions to what you think. You are the ones who will be looking at it and deciding if I am the photographer for you.

Please go take a look at my website,

Thank you everyone and hope you enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Website

  1. Hey Brittany!
    I think your website is very clean overall & I love the opening splash page – the animation especially! The only thing I would change is your eMail – I see you have a gMail account, and it’s really simple to use your own name. If you have bluehost, they have tutorials showing you how to set up those accounts

  2. Hey I really like your website now! I think that all the transitions were really smooth and didn’t take too much time either which I find is really annoying when I am on a website and the transitions take away from the galleries or just take forever to load. the only thing that I was confused on was when I got to your homepage I wanted to see the links right away to your blog, your about you, and galleries,but once I realized that you have to choose either portrait or weddings the links where really noticeable and easy to click on. I think your website is great and really YOU!

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